Saturday, May 3, 2008

"Heroes are not born. They're built"

My name is Song Leng. I decide what are the things that I want to do, and these are the things that are that are important. Not the fate of the world, nor mankind. I answer to only 2 types of people-people I respect and my God. I loathe it when my plans do not follow through and I am prevented from doing what I plan to (I think I've said this before.)

If I were in Derek's position on Friday, I would not merely be silently fuming. He has a great deal of patience.

I have not gotten to watch TV, I haven't done my Saturday 5km, and I have not started on the multitudes of tutorials. It's a mix that explains my sourness right now.

In stark contrast, morning's TKD was rather purposeful and enjoyable. I like to think that my enduring loveliness made it all the more fun for the rest of the world. I bet they loved my anecdotes about the many things we were talking about. Specifically the 'pear' and 'apple' bit.

The previous night's Karate was also very pleasing. Aside from being Sensei's call-on dummy, I had to gear up into many pads to fight everyone. I don't think it qualifies as a fight however, because I was not allowed to strike, and they were to hit me at all the places. The pads did not prevent the hurting and I got splendid bruises after that. But it was good for me to test out my footwork and my philosophy on controlling of distance = control in a fight. I derived pleasure from darting away from the strikes that were aimed to hurt me and also off-setting my opponents. I wasn't tired or slowing at any point even though I faced more than 10 persons. More stamina maybe? The interesting/ unsightly bit was holding in my mucus because of my cold. Sniff, sniff.

Used up my indulgence meals for this month all in today. Had KFC (ahhhhh, zinger) and a dinner which was fried, oily and full of overly-salty paste. Missed BI XIE JIAN in the evening and got home pissed and all.

The things that are important to me are the ones I wish to do. The rest will be relegated to become less or inconsequential.

Hopefully, Sunday will come into blissful fulfillment where I finish the work that is of immediate emergency (Thermochemistry, GP Reading Journal); workout at the gym and watch my TV. Only 1 aspect of my life will be lacking after all the above are resolved.

I am envious of Jeremy now. I remember vaguely how it was to have someone to think about all the time, but I've forgotten how it feels. I'm left with Megan Fox. But any man who's watched her in Transformers will go crazy if they see this picture and recall that part in the movie. I'm losing my mind.

Above: Megan Fox, the sexiest woman of 2008.

A side note: I do not bother with saving the Earth because I believe that the physical Earth will not last. However, I acknowledge that we need to be better stewards of this planet that the Lord gave to us to tend.

I think I will begin with not littering.

F-22 Raptor

It's featured in Transformers and now Iron Man. Fear the United States, world.

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