Saturday, May 10, 2008

How should I begin spilling the inner workings of my brilliant mind into this hurried post?
Time clears everything up.
In time, justice is allowed to work and reach offenders; love is cultivated and breathed on, and people forget. Time dulls the freshness of raw pain, hurt or sorrow and mellows it into something slight that registers only occasionally.

Is the above too convoluted? Song Leng was merely trying to say that with time, things are allowed to ferment and grow better, whether if it's a heartbreak, or a death of someone dear to you. So if you're in distress, count on time to make things better.

Karate last night was hard. Dickson and Jeremy came to try out the training and they made it for the later bit of the first half, where we were drilling our strikes and kicks. The 50 rep and 200 rep kick probably was a surprise for them I think, as well as the finger and backhand push-ups. Sensei also commented that Dicky was very fit.

The later bit of the night was kumite, which opened their eyes to Kyokushin fighting.
Sensei asked the Black Belts present to give hard kumite to the more senior belts that might be going for tournament and since my system was yearning for hard pounding, I went a bit harsher on the people I met.

I think I fought 12 people, each for 1 minute and I was rather pleased with scoring several headshots and also good blows to their body. My intent wasn't simply to hurt them, but also to draw out a harder fight from them and steel them for the lack of mercy that the Gurkha fighters would show on the mat.
But knowing Song Leng, he cannot pass up the opportunity to be a full-fledged bastard.

This is one of the better rare shots that captures kumite. It's from an All-Japan tournament.

However, I've sustained a few injuries and have some difficulty walking. The possibility of a hard Sunday gym session is rather far away.

This is Mother's Day weekend, and I think everybody is going to be involved in some form of celebration for their mothers and grandmothers and I am too.
This event will rob me of a potentially fruitful Saturday and minimise the time-frame for me to complete the overload of assignments that Ong has decreed she wants done next week.

It will also prevent me from watching a TV serial that I rather fancy and rob me of amusement and small joy.

Interestingly, I opened Lian He Zhao Bao in the morning to read a story about a 21-year-old man who couldn't stand his mother's constant nagging and hit her on the head with a hammer. This happened in Singapore.
It's mildly ironic that it happened so close to Mother's Day, that this fellow attacked his mother.
It's a sin to strike your mother or father.

But I think all of us can sympathise with the bit about not being able to endure our parents' constant nagging and lectures and 'teachings' which go beyond making us simply weary.
The impulse to grow violent is actually quite present, underneath the surface.
But do not hit your mothers!

Sadly, I have not found a defence against the onslaught of nagging. I think the only survival skill is prevention. Don't give them any reason to begin their attacks on our clarity of mind and mental well-being.

I think I will have more to say about my important Hakim and Derek and our daily exploits in injecting humour and joy into this ethreal existence that we are all living through (life), as well as my personal comments on living Godlessly.

In anticipation:
I think that most young Christians find it difficult to live a life that honours God and we would all prefer living freely, and not be bound by the laws and rules that our God has for us.
It would often be easier to live away from God and pretend He doesn't exist.

I'm ending this on a solemn note.

I'd prefer to end this in a light tone.
Like leaving the picture of a really beautiful woman here.

Her name is Jiang Yu Chen and she's only 20. She's rumoured to be Jay Chou's girlfriend.
Why settle for Jay Chou when there's Song Leng?

Good day, netizens.

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