Wednesday, July 30, 2008

At this unearthly time, I have come onto this place, bolstered by spontaneity to say a few words.
I believe that there is no such thing as balance.
Oh, ba-lance.
The word sounds innocuous and rather easy to attain. I say bollocks.
In a chemical system where the reaction is irreversible, the reactants and products are in dynamic equilibrium. It doesn't mean that the balance is permanent and untouchable; there are fluctuations, but it will come back down to the 'equilibrium'.
Equilibrium, another good-sounding word.
But there is no balance.

People like to say 'juggle time'. It sounds like a very smart ability, to be able to handle so many things at the same instant. But it is deceptive. When you juggle three balls, at any one time, two balls are in your hands and one is out of your touch.
So you're essentially holding on to two of them and letting the third drift away from you.
There isn't really a balance where you have your hands on all three objects in the same time.
So you give up something and minimise that and turn to the other items at hand.

What is this bugger trying to say, you think?
Well I'm getting there. Don't be impatient, stupid.
We cannot expect a perfect balance of all things; rather we must prioritise and slight certain bits in order to accomplish something.
We have to give up the things that are not as important to build up the things that is really vital.
Eh. So juggling is the right word after all.
If you juggle badly, all your balls will drop and your act will be ruined.
I might have been a bit off the mark during my tirade, but our ideas (yours and mine) must have cleared up slightly after my excited effusions above.

I have gotten a few words that are wise and self-explanatory:

Some lessons cannot be taught. They must be lived.

The greatest danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark. (Michaelangelo.)

That's it.

I especially like this saying, "Some men just want to see the world burn".

Good Morning, World.

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