But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourself in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Jude 1:20-21

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Screw the world and its garbage (people)
And particularly after I blog-surf or browse friendster!
Don't know why.
Actually, I do know why.
I'm jealous of other people's flamboyant lifestyles, which are what I've been striving toward or looking up to it as an ideal!
The sentence just above sounds like it just leaked out from under a girl's typing fingers, but I think that about sums up what I feel, or explains the rage inside me!
I've a boring lifestyle.
Wake up. Go to school. Return home. Try to study. Find some excuse to come online. Watch TV if its Wed/Thurs/Fri. Sleep. End of day. And its the same every dawn to dusk. Puh-leaze. This kinda life I hate. Monotonous. Slow-moving, and repetitive.
My perfect day:
Wake up without feeling a morsel of fatigue.
Spring up to get ready and look fresh for the day ahead. Succeed in looking fresh for the day ahead. Go to school and breeze through everything-knowing all the answers to the questions my supposed education is suppose to drill into/weasel out of me and end school early, on a high note. Hit the Gym and pull off a full regimen, consisting of 4 solid sets of Bench Presses, Bent-over row, shoulder shrug... Without a spotter's help. Move up to using 20 kg plates per side. Run a firm 4K on the treadmill.
Still have energy when get home. Have a fulfilling revision. Sleep late and still have enough clearance of mind and spirit for the next day.
What the fuck. How does one manage a day like that? And a day like such is supposed to be NORMAL. And if this is the ideal monotony I enjoy everyday, would there be time for senseless recreation that people not even near my age or intellect are enjoying right now? Like clubbing? Like losing myself in loud music and booze? Wait. Losing myself only in loud music. Not booze. I HATE alcohol. It stinks. It dulls the brains. And it stinks again. The taste took some getting used to, but its the headiness that follows and the afterbreath that spirals out from your mouth. I hate beer. Wine maybe, on special enough occasions.
And actually. I lust after this kinda lifestyle. Wild living and partying. Grinding with girls in dark pubs and clubs. Which GIRLS, yes, GIRLS get to do, and I don't. That is really really degrading. Girls and some guys go out till late (or until early) in pretty clothes to basically lose control and themselves at strange places with marvellous music and company, though unfamiliar company that is. The League of Men's plans (of clubbing) never managed to carry through.
And as a result, I get enraged because i envy these people, who have the liberty to commit all these 'sins' which I don't get to. And spend a grand total of over $120 in less than 8 hrs.
That is amazing, and bloody bloody hell makes me feel like I'm a noob. (which i am most definitely not.)
But this inability to have fun is further spurred by a multitude of personal faults and various restrictions, and the lingering thought that I'm not best in whatever I do. I mean shit, if I'm gonna do something seriously, then I better be the goddammed best in the world or even galaxy or even universe, OR ELSE!
Or else nothing. I'm not the greatest in English, which I liked to believe I was, and I'm not the best in football, which I hoped to be 4 years ago; I'm certainly not the best in Karate coz' there's the Gurkhas, the Japanese, Russians, Brazilians, Iranians.... And my academic is miles away from honourable mention or privileged decoration.Neither am I the strongest or the fittest. Nor the fastest. Nor the most supple. Or the nimblest.
So what am I?
What can I be best in?
And it doesn't help when the world spins this way and I let myself have the world spin this way and that I find that the way it spins isn't how I'd liked it to, and now I hate it.
I chose this stupid life. By a rippling effective myraid of choices (right/wrong) that has propelled me, half willingly, most un-willing like this. And now I have to pick up the pieces, or tread on the sharp points from the shattered glass. What a brilliant metaphor.
And today, the only cheerful thing was that MJC Taekwondo was incredibly receptive towards me. After my self-initiated trial whereby I got one of the guys, a J2 to hold a pad (bag) for me to kick. And so, I lashed my right and left roundhouse, axe kick (kakatootoshi) all at head level ,and one low roundhouse to the thigh albeit with a layer of pad to the senior's leg. The people were sufficiently impressed to hamper me to join.
But of course, whilst the EXCO were delighted to have a prospective addition in me, some of the J1s and maybe 2s, were displeased that a 'haolian' dude from no where came to steal the show and draw all the oooohs and aaaahs from the potential seniors. The hostility was mildly palpable. There was this guy who i think was from TPJC in PAE who eyed me with a unfriendly look, like he had some dirt on his nose.
Wow. I think this mood is getting to me. My expressiveness is now no-holds barred.
Should things stay this way? Who gives a fuck anyway?
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Junior Belt for those below Shodan (first degree black), and for those above 16. And now that I'm 17, I've entered into this tournament. Before this, there was no fervent training, or punishing regime that Sensei put me through, just regular conditioning, minimal bagwork and sparring that we did after training ourselves. Not sure I'm ready physically. Sensei certainly thinks I can. The conditioning he did on my body-rampant punches and kicks-i could take.
Does that mean I can take whatever is thrown at me on Sunday?
Seems like whenever I enter a tournament, the odds are all against me.
I'll sparring, in no weight category, against adults and senior seasoned fighters who may have trained 3 times a week (Gurkha) or those people from West Dojo, whom Boon Kit have trained them to be something much more than strong.
But my chest is not thumping; instead, its at peace. And the occasional music gets me up and all active.
Nevertheless, I've decided.
I will fight tooth and nail for a placing.
I will make sure the guy that beats me will not be able to walk and will lose immediately in his next bout.
Seeing that there are Preliminaries, Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals, Finals and in-betweens, I think there'll be at least 4 fights for me tomorrow. Each fight will probably have 3 rounds, each 1 min plus and an extension round if there's no apparent winner.
Strategy: My stamina isn't fantastic. Have to score lethal points with my kicks fast, early into the round to win.
(bows) It's time to be an asshole tomorrow.
Not in the sorta mood that would make a cutsie Japanese mew, "youkata", which anime assures us all translates to "i'm glad". I'm definitely not experiencing anything so vague and mild.
A lot has happened in the past weeks that I've been lazy to document, such as the almost long gone Annual Camp (I'm too lazy to blog about the camp), or the Meridian Orientation 2 where my House (Triton) won the house competition for what was it? 6th time running?
Could have gone to a non-Trition dude and ask during the aftermath of the campfire, "eh. pardon me. I was in the toilet. So...who won?" Heh. I think OG Triton 3 /07S305 were amused by the arsehole quality of the display when the whole of Triton went to Burger King @ Downtown East for our celebratory dinner. It was fun. And many people came up to congratulate me on my split that probably helped in some (small) way on our catapult from postion 2nd to 1st. Ha.
It seems that ever since Sec3, my split has been the focus of every single event. Orientation back in AHS, Prom night at a hotel, POP and now, Orientation at Meridian. Can't help it. Ha. People just can't get enough of a dude who's substantial (177cm; 71.83kgs) in a full split on the floor. And he got there 3 quarters of a second ago. WOW. =o
This J2, a councillor I think, who was dancing next to me during the mass dance was taking picture of those actors, who are actually characters in a Pirate skit (me included) at the Parade Sqr. So I settled into my split, and when she looked down from her camera, she screamed.
And yesterday, while I was going home from school, there was this 3 girls that gestured to me while I was walking out the gate.
A: Hallo! Triton guy!
Me: Erm...Ok. Hi. ^.-
A: You're from Triton right?
Me: Yar. -_-
(then i was making a phone call to my lao bu, who was at home a few blocks away. Ah...I love Meridian)
A: Aye. You learn ballet is it?
Me: !? NO!
A: Then how come you can do splits?
Me: Oh. I train in Karate.
A: Karte?
B: No la! Karate!
A, B, C: giggles.
Me: ... __
Oh. Even though it was an awkward encounter with the extraterrestial, I must say that B was really cute. That day was one where there were SO MANY girls I crossed paths with. See Day 5 in MJC.
Orientation was fun, though the atmosphere of being 'on high' wasn't as magnificent as TPJC. Wonder why. Meridian Madness Marathon was where the Trition house, previously falling behind in the running, being in the last two spots. It was in town and had a lotta of walking. From Bugis (city hall kinda place) walk to Orchard. Not much at all, but its the sorta stuff that makes girls whine A LOT.
Day 5 in MJC
College life's started, and lectures are in full swing, with every single lecturer bashing through the syllabus covered in the previous weeks leading up to March. Quite a big piece to chew, considering that I didn't pay FULL attention in TPJC, but at least I got most slices.
Friday was a day that was really really furiously unnerving. I got smiles and funny looks from so many different females, I didn't really believe it! Perhaps it was because I was deprived of sleep and exuded the I-don't-give-a-f quality. And coupled also with the fantastical split on Wednesday ( pronounced wenz-day), it really opened up e bridge with so many dames.
The first one was right after Bio Lecture, at the photocopy shop next to the canteen, where I spotted Boon Kai queuing up, and hopped on to his ride, coz I needed to buy Cell Structure Notes that I missed, and the queue was intimidating.
And I spotted Winnie, my OGL. I said 'hi' to her with a smile.
Then we queued and talked about Junhe's weird eccentricities. Junhe actually considered me his 'best friend'! Oh God. He was a mega weight dude who I thought was nice to hang out with and did a project with him once. Never went near him again.
Then we chatted. And then Winnie says, "Hi."
Then I said," Eh? I thought I said hi to you already?"
Winnie: Where got?
Me: Oh never mind.
Winnie turns to her friend and says: This is the guy who can do splits.
Her friend: Really! So you're the one. eh. You cut queue right?
Me: I ask my friend who's already queuing to help me order. Different.
Her: No! You cut queue.
Me: Ok lor.
Her: What's your name.
Me: Song Leng.
Her: What?
Winnie: SONG LENG.
Her: Oh.
Me (politely): What's yours?
Her: Haiping.
Me: Ok...
Afterward, I politely announced I was leaving and did. That was all of the conversation I remembered. I think she was kinda cute. In a way. But nowhere beyond that. Needed to ask Winnie what was her name again. Paiseh like siao. Lucky that time, she wasn't around. Totally forgot that Haiping ever told me her name...And went off to eat with BK and Jonathan Chan, avoiding Junhe on the way there. Why is his name in my blog...
Another one was when we went to the LT for the Chemistry lecture. Took our seats, and the siao kow teacher, think she got some menopausal mood swing, just started rambling, because 'we were slow to settle down', and she went on, without regard that less than half was seated in the LT4 and the rest of the half were pouring in.
And I sat beside Shaz, who was equally buay song with the teacher. Then i said, in a grumbling royal arsehole undertone, "stupid baldy". And Shaz started laughing, saying she oso realised she was balding. My other OGL Xinyun and her brown haired friend was seated in front. The girl was so very cute. She was laughing when she heard me say 'stupid baldy'. And throughout the one hour while me and shaz were talking, the two below were continually laughing. And xinyun also told her friend that "this is the guy that did splits on the stage". Wow.
Another one was in the library. This was one girl I mentioned before, in a league of her own, and her beauty was really stunning. It made me hold my breath. She was the one from TKSS, the one I saw when we crashed MJC during our PAE days, and whenever i saw her in Meridian, we never stopped looking at each other. Those deep brown shining eyes. The air of superiority, yet still mild. She knows she's sexy and she knows guys want her. And she's been giving her bambi eyes at me. We've been talking. By our eyes. I've seen the way she's looked at other guys, and its not the same. Flirty and all. But when we look at each other, its like she's...waiting for something to happen. So am I actually. But not instigating any thing yet. Lack motivation. HA!
Found out from Harold that her name is Janice and she is, according to Harold, is "very slutty and flirts around a lot". Told him I don't care. But which pretty girl doesn't flirt around? Hah! I got that right, I think!
And the last ones were the 3 gigglers at the gate who trailed me to the bus stop.
It's a first that a split wins all. God, it's weird. But I'm almost all for that Janice. But i realised I've not only been looking for beautiful girls, but someone that there is a special attachment to. Someone that I can't just look away, and someone that I love more than her pretty face and bedroom eyes. Don't think this person is around just yet.
took this from Friendster:
Your LOVE NUMBER is 3 if your birthdate falls on: 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th
3. Attractive, imaginative, outgoing,loyal and generous too. You definitelydon't run out of admirers. Just be careful of those who will take advantage of your kind nature.<
Most of it is hogwash? Yes? No?
Monday, March 19, 2007
And i saw a supposed "Blackbelt" in shiny chinese emperor kinda yellow top versus a noobie orange belt in a face-off, and the "blackbelt" just let her leg fly lazily at the noob. The noob lifted her knee like a recruit would do in a SEDIA to hide from the feeble, meek kick, and the blackbelt just gave a loud yelp-"OUCH!" and hobbled. And she hopped and hopped, grinning in a silly way. Then the instructor made them stop and told the class, consisting of almost half all in shiny emperor garbs to go practice. He then made the juniors or intermediate dudes do their cudgel forms. Which was a bunch of kids with bamboo sticks tapping loudly on the floor.
The fat instructor counted and had the kids move front. He didn't even bat an eyelid over the shit display by his students. What the F***!
When he finally bothered to demo, he came in, took over the stick from one of the children, and showed the right way.
His techniques and everything was smooth, and he seemed professional enough, but he plainly couldn't impart anything he knew to his students. And he didn't care at all! And this made me wonder what the parents who spent money to send their kids to take up this Wushu shit were thinking. I mean, hey, your children aren't learning anything, and they are living under the delusion that they're immune to all physical threats. That's stupid.
I mean, even i know that i'm not immune or impervious to challenges or injury out on the street. All the more we get hurt on the street. Having so bounded by rules eg. (not attacking a downed man...), we aren't used to having to do it (fight) in an unrestrained way.
"Sparring"with Ansel showed...
1) Fighting in a fix style with rules is disadvantageous to the trained man, because he tends to abide firmly by the rules which are meant to protect both fighters during the entanglement.
2) A trained man holds in his emotions as well as his punches, and will not intentionally strive to hurt the other more than he has to.
3) You can't learn any martial art off the internet.Even if you can learn forms, you can't learn footwork and distancing, which is wondrous in any fight.
I realised that the notion of Martial Arts has now become more of a...whaddaya call it? Modernistic, aerobic dancing? Sad, really, Wushu. And all those buggers who claim they are great in Martial Arts. Or blackbelt in Taekwondo. Taekwondo is now acrobatic crap. Even more sad. But they're still fantastic at the Olympics!!! China especially, who won Gold at Athens. Great video on Youtube.
Well.I've wasted my time on the internet, which is painfully not limitless, on a muse about the pathetic state of the martial arts scene in Singapore. Absymal.
I'll blog about the Adventure Camp next time. I think.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
i love you
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Today's Story-a second try
Anyways. Will pick up where I left off.
Had to go to the Polyclinic for a ritual appointment over my Sinus problem, but not before watching a bit of Spongebob Squarepants and the episode about the fight against the underwater villains, Every Villain Is Lemons (E.V.I.L)...I swear that the creator and writer of Spongebob is wheelchair-bound!
It was so lame, with the Barnacle Boy defecting to the Dark Side and becoming Barnacle Man...
Then went to see the Doctor, apparently the dude has grown fat. Being a doctor supposedly is fattening? Wallet and Belly-wise!
Then the 2 hour waiting time resulted in me forfeiting my swim appointment with Boon Kai (his hand is injured-could it be the weights we've been doing?) and arriving late at Tampines to meet the 7 dudes for Gym training. But at least even at the polyclinic, there was eye candy! A really leggy and cute girl. Hmmm. Should fall sick more often.
And I rushed down to Tampines to orientate the dudes with the Bench Press, dumb bells and the routine exercise that they would have to worship for at least 2 weeks, before they pass out of my jurisdiction after the frigging race that we've been striving at for 4 years.
Kah Kee was quite strong, able to lift all the weights that I did, and Titus was not too shabby. Chong rui was strong for his size, we all knew that, but Joel and Edison were below expectations, and were relegated to the weight machine instead of the Bench Press station. They don't do well with free weights, interestingly. Zong Zuo did his leg exercises; and Jin did the various machines on his own initiative. Still acting cool, both in appearance and attitude. Cool to everyone, regardless of who it is. Can slap him.
We then went to KFC to take in protein, while kah Kee was intrigued by 300, the movie, where 300 spartans went up against the 1 million strong Persian Army. Kah Kee hasn't changed at all. Doubt he will.
Jin shot an ice piece at me. It was painful. I forgot to hit him hard on the bus trip home.
I'm liking this sorta gathering actually. Low expense fun and training.Only thing, a few people were missing. Don't think I'll be able to stand slogging on for BB when a wave of people leave come April. It's already beginning to stink now.
SHOUT: Kenneth baby, sorry wasn't able to give you a testi on Friendster yet.
But I must say, I love you and I treasure your company, then and now! You just have the tendency to break out laughing at the strangest of times! Next time when you wanna laugh out loud in public, tell me and I'll laugh along with you!
Today's Story
What a night/morning-mare.
I got out of bed to clear my head, but there was still this ringing unsettling feel in my head. The sleep wasn't enough, but hell it was already 10:26, and already late for my phone "discussion" with Mr. Mok. The inverted air quotes says it all.
But he was surprisingly pleasant unlike the nasty instances with the Target Test and the tailoring of the Recruit Hike Checkpoints.
And mentioning the Recruit Hike makes me think of the Camp committee and thinking of the camp committee makes me think of Chia Hong who is Recruitment's eyes and ears on the camp committee! And he relayed the wrong information to the Camp Committee and worse! Mr. Mok! Wah Lau. As if my job was easy and my ass not sore from Mr. Mok's onslaught!
Chia Hong, if you're reading this, you owe me a slap!
And he was supposed to give Recruitment information too! But he was never around enough for after parade meetings to know what was going on.
"have church!"; "city harvest!", "got service!"
For those who are actively involved in church activities or simply church-going at all, please ponder this:
Are you serving the Church or are you serving GOD?
The two are not the same! Serving your church does not mean you're doing GOD's work!
Think over it!
I have nothing against any church whatsoever (at least allow me to hold slanted opinions), but I feel strongly against any church's frantic and vivacious attempts to pull as many into its ministry and to gather as many followers as possible, by persuasion or by force (the two, in this instance have no difference!) I understand what the Churches today are doing, they are making Christians "fishers of men" (if you're really that good a Christian, tell me where I got this from), but they don't have to do it in a fashion which makes it seem like that they are simply grabbing as many people blindly into their cult or religion! I find that heavily detestable. This kinda "spreading GOD's word and ministry" is nauseating!
I am a Christian(though a sleeping one) and even I feel the way we try to make Christians out of all men disgusting! It's not out of their own free will, but a steady and gradual swaying on non-believers. That is why my mother's generation detest Christians so much-they propagate the religion like fanatics and using unscrupulous means. And i see how those zealots do it, and i want to give them a dressing down!
How to offer the option of GOD's promised Kingdom in time to come would be to open the doors and leave it open for people to walk in out of their own free will at their own time!!! And close it at the last day!!!
There! Shame on all of you who push people to immerse them in our beliefs! That is not the way to do it! Christ certainly did not do that! What He did was he silently performed His miracles and called to His disciples: Come, follow Me and I will make you fishers of men!
And Peter and his fellows could have said 'No'!
But they chose to follow Christ.
Likewise, everybody has the choice to take up or reject the offer. Let them be!
I've dedicated most of this post to rebuking the idiots who claim they are doing GOD's work in this way! This makes me mad! Damn you all!
Monday, March 12, 2007
The week was a mild one, and bringing the first term into a gentle end, I just plunged into the holidays like it wasn't there at all.
Something that has changed is that I've been going to the Gym now, thrice a week, hitting the treadmill, the bench press, dumb bells and striving to work on my pectorals, back, shoulders, bicep, tricep, abs and quadriceps.
It's worked and my top is really really solid now, and I think it only is after going at the weights, ignoring the soreness and the occasional loss of strength, and increasing the intake of protein immediately afterward. Happy at my profile in the mirror. Half a month at the gym could do this much, what about a full 12 months=1 year of it?
My weight measured in the same clothes and everything dipped in 2 days from 72.00 kg to 71.68 kg. My goodness!
Sempai Colin has told me that weight(resistance)-training would increase my power in punches and upper body strikes as well as being able to stand being hit repeatedly (and forcefully) by murderous suckers. Sempai Colin has been a constant source of advice and help.
He made me strive to kick harder and drilled my legs to delivering power to each blow.
My stamina rose as a result of this training that he made me go through.
My performance in training has taken the Dinie sorta path. Sempai Dinie, no matter how long he did not come for training would always resume at the same intensity, level and physical ability.
Now the training doesn't kill me anymore. The Drills are now just a stage now.
I think I was influenced by the option that Sensei left open, for me to take my Shodan come May. It's been what? 4 years and some?
I've watched people after me (Fang Bin and Xing Feng and Colin) rise to Black way before me.
A bit angry at myself, for taking the 6 month hiatus from training back last last year after the Nov Demonstration until just after my MYE in 06.
Missed the opportunity to rise to First Degree; the SMAIA tournament; the International Youth Karate Tournament in Japan...
But it seems that it all turned out fine and I'm at my optimum now, and raring to take my Black, along with the crap it throws at me before I get to that level.
I'll have to start with an intense show of basics, self-defense against hot-blooded Gurkha fighters who want nothing but to break this Brown Belt 'who thinks he can upgrade to Black'; showcase my 2 Katas in front of the panel of 5th, 8th Degree Shihans and then go for the 20 men Kumite (sparring), which is in actuality a real fight with me taking no breaks and 20 men coming at me one after another. The last four will be seasoned Black Belts, I think. And then the break of 8 roofing tiles.
But it all will have to realise only after I slice through 6 of those tiles for my re-test later at Kolam Ayer Dojo. Having the butterflies in my stomach actually. It's been 6 months and more since I failed at the actual grading ground, only breaking 5 out of 6. It took my great-grandfather's ointment to rid me of the bruise in my bone.
Today will be a different story. It's only 6 tiles. And I'm stronger from all the gyming. My bulk is substantial and i can already face Sensei in Kumite properly. I'm ready. For my Black.
Sensei was watching me yesterday after I handed him the form for the Tournament and the Overseas Membership and affiliation with Japan Honbu.
I was taking out my rage on the heavy bag with the kicks that Colin taught me and made me do over and over. It dented the heavy bag. And it naturally scared the kids at the Kid's Class. And the seniors came over and tried to do the same. Sensei then came over and said he would condition my body. He then began punching every part of my upper body and gave me low kicks, inner and outer, while I assumed a solid stance and was not to move.
I told him to increase the strength-"harder" and he did.
At the end he said this:
"You don't spar anymore. You're good enough. Don't injure yourself before the tournament."
He said the middle part softly, I never heard him praise anyone outloud before, not even his own daughter Flavia. I guess the once in a blue moon quality of that compliment doubles in value.
I'm only 3 hours away from the break that would propel me upwards.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Had a 360 degree mood swing-turn around just now when Y came online. I think i'm affected by the way Y is doing well right now in the school she wants and that we haven't officially been in contact at all over the course of the entire new year.
Shouldn't be feeling like that anymore especially since it was my internal decision to jettison my inclination towards her.
But can't help it. A weird twist inside me when I see the group pictures and all in her D.P. and also with the smiles.
This is a weird state of mind.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
I mean hey. We're small, yes. We have lesser people, lesser resources and lesser greenery...
But have you considered also?
We have lesser slums, lesser haze (which we don't produce at all), lesser poverty, lesser earthquakes, lesser terrorist attacks, lesser plane crashes, lesser idiots running the country. And even so, the Indonesians are still regarding us in the fashion one would push his kid brother out of the room-"don't touch my gameboy!"; "give me back my Pokemon card!"; "eh lend me money leh..."...
And you expect help when there's an earthquake and tsunami?
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Thursday, March 1, 2007

I think this is what the men at the back should be thinking to each other:
"Hey, that Yankee ain't so tough, let's get him. Sure he's got a big Carbine and body armour and all. But we got our beards and fat. We'll be alright."
Nice gun. But makes me wonder where he's aiming at. I think the boy in the back feels pretty much the same. "Will the bugger hit the dog running across the narrow street? Don't think so. All that fat's clogged up his left eye. He can't see his momma in front of him, much less shoot a moving target.at 5 m/s."
Only thing especial the week was the fact that people born on different times develop into persons differently and at distinctly different speeds.
Today I am 6,213 days old earthly; my fellow KI classmate and Anglican, Sean A is about 200 days more youthful and yet his intellect is on par, if not even higher than mine!
How does that figure?