Monday, October 24, 2011

Our Confidence in the Lord

I have decided to exercise my free will and miss my elective lesson to work on some assignments, and before I go on to them, I have goodness to share, out of my daily living. I also boldly presume there are those who read and really care what I write.

But God can use handkerchiefs touched by His agents to heal, so why may He not use vain English words to draw people to His Word and later the full measure of His love and mercy?

I have greater and greater confidence in the character and nature of my God. He is faithful, He loves me, and I am on His mind. All that I go through is to lead up to my perfection of faith, which is my God's priority for me.

Psalm 8

4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
   human beings that you care for them?
 5 You have made them a little lower than the angels
   and crowned them with glory and honor.

We pray because we are sure God hears and we are sure He acts out of love for us. When Christ came to engage men, He was gentle and tender even with the hearts of sinners, teaching and showing them the way to life. If God did not love us, and men were not always on His mind, His own arm would not have worked salvation for Him.  Isaiah 59:16

The sinfulness of men would not diminish the holiness and very great glory of the Lord, but out of His very great love for men, He sent the Redeemer to Zion and to those in Jacob who repent of their sins. There is breadth in His redemption plan, and all men may partake in this salvation. Isaiah 59: 20

How I relate to Him, is also important. I have been freed to respond to His love with my love. 1 John 4:19

How do I love Him?

I don't feel the rush of love like one feels in a romance. I cannot see or quantify it, but I see the evidences of my love for Him, just as I see the stronger evidences of His love and care for me.

I know I need Him; I need Him so much that He must walk with me all of my days. I cannot leave Him even for a while. I am compelled to obey Him and I want to always hear from Him. I am conscious of my gratitude for His saving grace on me.

But in my humanness and old nature, I am inconsistent and prone to leaving the very refuge that I should be safe and content under.

Daily, my heart seeks to break out from God's discipline. If I give in just once, I will be undone. But if I keep sight of His goodness, and rest my heart in Him, I will be safe.

If we forget He loves us and He loves us so richly and deeply, we will grow to distrust His blessings for us.

I may not store up for myself goodness and pleasure outside of His will and subsequently, His protection.

Trust in God fully, for He is constant and His measure of deep love for us will never be diminished. He has loved us with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3
We cannot comprehend everlasting, but He knows what He is saying exactly, for He is the One who will last forever.

Do not place hope on a mere man for he is liable to change, to sin and to become wayward. He is not consistently faithful. The enemy seeks to turn my eyes, and later my thoughts, and later my heart away from the Lord. He will use all petty means to achieve this, as well as artful schemes. He will not quit until I trip.

But I know my God; He will not let me go easily for He paid a high price for me. In fact, He will not let me go too far before He will come out and seek me. While we are slowly moving back to obedience, He will run to meet us like the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son.

2 things give me great encouragement:

-Where does the strength to obey come from?
-Where did my desire to walk right with Him and break out of the momentum of sin come from?

Surely the flesh will not curtail the amount of pleasure it hungers for. Can the flesh make itself respectable and sustain false holiness? Yes, but not for long.

Increase Your Confidence in the Lord! 

Who is this strong and mighty God we serve and follow?
Will the Lord fail to protect and provide for those who are His?

I am to be greatly and greatly purified; God is greatly and greatly to be praised.
Where I trust in my God and King, who is a very powerful God and King, I may have joy and peace.
He is a God who makes straight our paths.

To believers and unbelievers alike,

This is a very Song Leng-centred post.

However, God's love for me is not exclusive, it is already given to you. His fixation and His concern for you is not affected by your condition. He was willing to love you at such great cost to Himself. The blessings of His love can be known and lived out. 

If you live apart at a distance from Him and refuse to come into His love, you are missing out. While you remain away from Him, He is still loving you at this very moment, for He is your Father, and even if a mother forgets the child she bore, He will never forget you. Isaiah 49: 15

May all come to know the love of Christ, before they deny Him entry into our lives.

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