Monday, October 31, 2011

Abiding in Him

Prayer takes time, yes. But time spent praying is never in vain, for He hears and He desires us all to go near to Him. However, we ourselves must choose it.

How We Know Our Thirst?

We need to go to Christ daily for our drink of living water, for although we may be filled with His Spirit, like D. L. Moody had said, we leak.

How do we know we are in need of this? I learnt that how we feel about His Word is a good indicator of the temperature of our hearts, be it hot or cold.

Do we desire with eagerness to discover and rediscover the blessings and truths in His Word or we are
content to go on without engaging it daily?


There was a need to realign myself even more fully with Him, for I tend to go the other way. So many way I fight His sovereignty and dispute with Him on what is best for me. He works in love; I deal with sinful appetites.

We may trust Him, for His character is unchanging. He is good, His love endures forever, He is holy, and He is true to His Word. Our hope and trust belongs with Him.

In rare blessed moments of sobriety, I feel even more strongly that we are only children and we do not know what is good for us.

But I am sure God prospers His people who are faithful and obedient in more ways than they know it.
We must be sure to be those who are faithful and obedient.

Where We Stand?

Only in Christ do we have firm footing. All else is shifting sand and loose ground.

To remain in Christ, in His love, we must love and obey Him. The Kingdom has no place for idle sluggards who recline and do nothing to magnify Christ in their daily living.

The King and God over all the heavens and earth will not be content with being quartered in a portion of the heart or mind.

Change Is For Sure

The Gospel of Christ, the Spirit has transforming power. It has a tendency of changing lives wherever it touches. Those changed by the Spirit become less worldly, less enamored with the appeal of the things of the earth and now have more capacity for the things of God.

They have more appetite for His Word, for prayer and for godliness.

We know if Christ is to come in and dwell in the temple that is our body, He will most surely rearrange the temple and drive out all the things that do not belong. Luke 19: 45-46, Matthew 21:12-13.

That is the pattern of how He works. He works to clean us and to perfect us, because we are now dearly His.

If you say you have known His Spirit, but you remain the same, and have not been transformed, your position is dangerous. The Spirit is a Spirit of Power; He will not be idle and He will not rest for His work is to glorify God in your person and in your life. This change must, and this change will take place!

Will God not come to the rescue of those who recognize they are in danger and in need of Him?

Cry out to Him in prayer. Immerse yourself in the Scriptures and seek Him in prayer. Ask of Him and ask in the Name of Christ. God has graced us with a way through to Him, in Christ Jesus.

John 14:6

 6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

It is not that I have taken hold of the full truth, but I have been graced with knowledge that was not always mine. I am definitely proud that I may know these things, but if we look at Him who is the author and perfecter of our faith, we may lose such an inaccurately high view of ourselves.

I do not see beyond the months of December and January, but my God does.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Evening Conversations

SL: Eh.You think that us Asians have difficulty expressing emotions?

EL: No.

SL: I mean like telling our parents we love them and the like. Can you do it?

EL: No. Maybe it's got to do with how they beat the hell out of us last time.

Widespread laughter and high-fives.
Maybe my being conscious of readership causes me to write differently.

I have been told that I am extremely Chinese, and it is only after I think about it that I realize that I am an awkward splice of the Occidental and the Oriental. But this is something that is precious and not about to change. My grandfather though is very pleased my sisters and I are bilingual this way.


Today, I attended the final session of the Baptism Course at my church, and my friends at cell Terence and Hui Leng were surprised to realize that 5 weeks had passed just like this. If I were to lean back and cruise some more, I would be well into November and into a right state of panic.

I cannot be so proud as to say that I had learnt everything I heard through the course. They brought us, over the course of 5 weeks, from the Character of God, to the Person of Christ, to the Work of Christ, and on the necessity of Missions, and the Last Things at the End.

What I knew before was refined and sharpened, and I now also may be able to guide young believers and new believers into the fundamentals of faith.

It took some humility that was not there to begin with to sit under the powerpoint slides and be treated as if my I had no idea what my faith was about. I reminded myself to submit and not to stumble newer believers who were new to the Word.

I also had to resist flashing my heavily annotated Bible which Agnes Lee had said it looked like it was "dipped in highlighter". It would have so easy to let others see that hey, this young man sitting over here knows the Scriptures very well. This would be spiritual intimidation, which I am guilty of often, likely even at this very moment.

But going through the structured and formal lessons also showed me how good the Lord was to me, having built my understanding and knowledge of His Word without the benefit of formal instruction like others who had a home church.

It also showed me that there were plenty of gaps in my Theology that I had not tended to. What is my position on the sequence of events leading to the end of the Church Age, the "Rapture" and the Millennial Reign of Christ? I have not studied this and I also cannot say it will not matter to me. It details my hope of what is to come. But the Spirit will give understanding when we study the Scriptures.

We may not understand the Word of God without His Spirit. His Spirit is a Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, of counsel and of might, and of the knowledge and fear of the Lord. Isaiah 11: 2.


Sometimes I find myself thinking that I have already matured and sin minimally now. If I believe this, I believe a lie. I walk and live among people who do not know and have not known the Light of the World. I think and talk as one who loves darkness.

I am often charmed by the world and what she offers-vain things that have no reverence for a holy God. What desires and habits do they encourage? Vanity, Pride, Promiscuity, Lust and varying standards of immorality.

Do these ventures and things and activities honour God, or celebrate the individual who seems to stand 'strong' on his own apart from God?

We are guilty of minimizing Christ and exalting our self-interests above His purposes. We only chime in with the plans that serve/please us best.

There is 1 John 1:8 to remember, that "if we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us". God is holy and He is coming for a holy people who have kept themselves in purity. It is presumptuous of me to think that I have reached His standards.
Thankfully, He has promised to cleanse us.


Sermon today was on Caleb's 45 year long wait for God to fulfill the promise of given to him the land that was pledged to him by Moses in Numbers. He received his allotment in Joshua 14.

He was commended as a man who followed after God wholeheartedly, even while he waited a long time.

Compared to him, we have no capacity or tolerance for waiting.

"Waiting is one of God's most powerful tools of grace. It's important to realize in your ministry that God doesn't just give us grace for the wait. The wait itself is a gift of grace. You see, waiting is not only about what you will receive at the end of the wait. Waiting is about what you will become as you wait.

In calling us to wait, God is even rescuing those of us in ministry from our bondage to our own plan, our own wisdom, our own power, our own control. In calling us to wait, God is freeing us from the claustrophobic confines of our own little kingdoms of one and drawing us into a greater allegiance to his kingdom of glory and grace. Waiting is more than being patient as situations and other people change. Waiting is about understanding that you and I desperately need to change, and that waiting is a powerful tool of personal change. God is using the grace of waiting to change us at the causal core of our personhood: the heart. Now, in ministry, that's a good thing!"

- Paul Tripp.

Waiting has a transforming effect on our hearts.

I need to gather my whole heart to seek the Lord and thereby I may find Him.
My whole human life ahead of me must be lived for His glory and not my own.

"One life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last"- I think it was Leonard Ravenhill who said this.

I had been reading A.W. Tozer, who happens to be Ravenhill's good friend.
This is an excerpt from a book by him:

"I once read of a great sculptor whose sculptures were prized by everyone. Someone once asked him the secret of his masterpieces. He said something to the effect, "I just chip away at everything that doesn't belong there." The sculptor looked at the lump of granite or whatever and saw something in it nobody else saw. The genius of his masterpiece was to eliminate everything that did not belong there and allow the vision of that image to appear." Pg 71, A Disruptive Faith

This image we are to reveal is that of Christ.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Last Saturday of October

Saturday breakfasts are pretty rich in reflection. Receiving understanding of the Word-this is one of the ways I am blessed.

There are only two ways to live really, either by sight or by faith. Most times, we fall back on our sight and our senses and give up the confidence we are supposed to have in our God.

What if I distrust God's plans and seek to claim an inheritance for myself before time?
The Prodigal Son went to his father and asked him for his inheritance before the appointed timing.
It is a rejection of God's planned blessing for us.

We are often willful and always want to turn from Him and go our own way, mostly straightaway into sin.

The Lord has so much good in store for us. I wonder how He felt when I went off on a tangent, towards sin and relationships apart from Him. How grieved He must have been, when I had rejected the blessings He was preparing for me.

I have also been too concerned with my individual future and less with His macro purposes that all our lives are a part of. The need for holiness and preparation of the Church is more urgent.
What part may I/ we play in this?


Another thing I wonder, now with more curiosity; how do you weave two persons into one, and two lives into one? 

Why also did God not make the woman in the same way as He made man, but took Adam's rib to make a helper for him? Was God not able to form a woman from dust and breathe life into her nostrils also?
Genesis 2:7

I was telling my sister this over dinner: I think it was for us to love our wives as they were as dear as a part of our own body.

If I cannot love my long lost rib as a part of myself, I cannot move on to love others less dear to me in the fulfillment of His command to love my neighbour as myself.

Whenever I see young parents and young children, I wonder when will it be my turn. In evaluating my readiness, I am still not ready no matter how I think of myself, but I will be in time.

In helping my young friends identify a good and suitable partner to raise a family with, I give you this: if she cannot wake up when she should on a normal day basis, you better think twice. If so, you will likely be the one feeding your baby in the middle of the night all the time. While I write for a male audience, but the reverse is also very true.

Motherly traits are a rarity nowadays, because almost nobody is teaching our young women those things in this generation. Raising children is much more important than physical beauty and vanity. But similarly, few men are interested in the former now.


In the gym today, one guy came up to me and asked me how I trained my legs (thighs). I was surprised because I was in the middle of my pull-ups and I thought he was asking me where did I get my Vibram Five Finger Shoes. Then I realized he was seeking some tips on how to strengthen his lower body.

I told him to do squats, and he then asked me what could I recommend him to strengthen his ankles.
My previous know-how in the weights room were mostly gone. I was unable to be of much help to him.

All I could tell him was that he could hang around to see because I'd be doing them in a bit.

And I did. Though not as heavy as the picture above.

Squats are important and beneficial for the whole body, because it activates most of the body's biggest muscles. Squatting heavy raises heart rate and the exertion has a huge physiological effect on metabolism and also stimulates the secretion of growth hormone. That's all I can remember.

Now I just think this way: they must be done.

Tan Kah Kee will be gone to Australia for 3 weeks. I wonder who will I be accountable to for my weekly excursions to the weights area. To myself? That would make a decent joke.


On Friday, I had tried to capture the combined lessons learnt in the months since I came to university into the newest volume of my journal, but I realized that I could not even finish with August. There was too much in a month to even read, much less capture.

I came to university with the Lord, and reading August reminded me of how He has loved me and guarded me. I need to reflect on where I am in time, and in relation to my God and how I have been within His will and His protection. Or how I have removed myself outside of it.

He has given me brothers to fellowship with, whom we may relate with in honesty, sincerity and in truth. I have found people with whom I could be humble and broken with.

He has taught me to rest in His will and become more certain of His character.
In growing more sensitive to His Spirit, I've been taught the importance and relevance of holiness, of keeping oneself in purity, of being submissive to His will and of His goodness and faithfulness. We know it is worthwhile to retain knowledge of the Lord Romans 1:28,

It is better to have a constant diet of the Word and having spent time in prayer before moving out into the world. So many things we partake of and participate in grieve God's Spirit. What are the things we see and read and find funny, and what do we watch and think about?

Everything marked for righteousness and usefulness is under attack. The enemy aims to paralyze every spiritual man on this earth. He seeks to break off those who enjoy the connection with God's Spirit. If we like what the eyes see and do not discipline where we look, we will likely be led to sin.

Ephesians 5

 15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, 20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We must be careful not to slip back into being the natural man who lives by the flesh.
We are to be watchful and prayerful and not fall asleep during our watch.


There is a need to strengthen my friends who are believers in school for if they are weaker in faith and their foundation in Christ is not strong, they will be swept away by the world.
The world loves to see Christians fall.
Our cultures have diminished and omitted Christ; they aim to make us godless, Christ-less and faithless.
This has always been the trend.

Lastly, can we believe a mere man's testimony about himself?

I had judged others with standards I myself have pretended to have met.
Sometimes I offend God by making requests and then I do not trust Him to deliver.

I have not learnt to rest in the confidence of my Lord's plans. I am fretful, not faithful.
But thankfully, I may know when the love of the Lord grows cold in my heart and go back to ask Him to pour His love by His Spirit into me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

His Plan for Me

When I stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ
And He shows me His plan for me,
The plan of my life as it might have been,
Had He had His way; and I see
How I blocked Him here, and I checked Him there
And I would not yield my will,
Will there be grief in my Saviour's eyes,
Grief though He loves me still?
He would have me rich, and I stand here poor,
Stripped of all but His grace,
While memory runs like a hunted thing
Down the paths I cannot retrace.
Then my desolate heart will well nigh break
With tears that I cannot shed;
I shall cover my face with my empty hands;
I shall bow my uncrowned head.
Lord of the years that are left to me,
I give them to Thy hand;
Take me and break me, mold me to
The pattern Thou hast planned.

Martha Snell Nicholson

2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

Waiting for December

December promises to be a good month.
There is another wedding to be part of, and I will also be baptized.
Finally, the tailor-made No. 1 and the sword in the closet may be used again.

I will soon get to be back in the uniforms, with the old/new sense of purpose and no considerations for academic problems. This is at least for the entire month.

But first, we have to get over the entire November first.

My future is secured in the Lord.

But sometimes when I begin reading a book, I flip to the end to reassure myself that I'm headed towards a happy ending. In this book that matters, we do. There is another wedding to look forward too, and we will this time be part of the Bride, who will be blissful, blessed and filled with overwhelming joy.

It is this eternal joy that He is patiently waiting for and moving towards, and I must learn patience and  love for this eternal joy that will never end.

Glen and I were talking, and we agreed it indeed is very human to want the good things now.
But we must instead want the eternal joy He is preparing for us.

Documentation on this blog aids in memory recall, in case I lose all my journals in a fiery accident or when I move house and the box with all these books are lost in transit.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Our Confidence in the Lord

I have decided to exercise my free will and miss my elective lesson to work on some assignments, and before I go on to them, I have goodness to share, out of my daily living. I also boldly presume there are those who read and really care what I write.

But God can use handkerchiefs touched by His agents to heal, so why may He not use vain English words to draw people to His Word and later the full measure of His love and mercy?

I have greater and greater confidence in the character and nature of my God. He is faithful, He loves me, and I am on His mind. All that I go through is to lead up to my perfection of faith, which is my God's priority for me.

Psalm 8

4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
   human beings that you care for them?
 5 You have made them a little lower than the angels
   and crowned them with glory and honor.

We pray because we are sure God hears and we are sure He acts out of love for us. When Christ came to engage men, He was gentle and tender even with the hearts of sinners, teaching and showing them the way to life. If God did not love us, and men were not always on His mind, His own arm would not have worked salvation for Him.  Isaiah 59:16

The sinfulness of men would not diminish the holiness and very great glory of the Lord, but out of His very great love for men, He sent the Redeemer to Zion and to those in Jacob who repent of their sins. There is breadth in His redemption plan, and all men may partake in this salvation. Isaiah 59: 20

How I relate to Him, is also important. I have been freed to respond to His love with my love. 1 John 4:19

How do I love Him?

I don't feel the rush of love like one feels in a romance. I cannot see or quantify it, but I see the evidences of my love for Him, just as I see the stronger evidences of His love and care for me.

I know I need Him; I need Him so much that He must walk with me all of my days. I cannot leave Him even for a while. I am compelled to obey Him and I want to always hear from Him. I am conscious of my gratitude for His saving grace on me.

But in my humanness and old nature, I am inconsistent and prone to leaving the very refuge that I should be safe and content under.

Daily, my heart seeks to break out from God's discipline. If I give in just once, I will be undone. But if I keep sight of His goodness, and rest my heart in Him, I will be safe.

If we forget He loves us and He loves us so richly and deeply, we will grow to distrust His blessings for us.

I may not store up for myself goodness and pleasure outside of His will and subsequently, His protection.

Trust in God fully, for He is constant and His measure of deep love for us will never be diminished. He has loved us with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3
We cannot comprehend everlasting, but He knows what He is saying exactly, for He is the One who will last forever.

Do not place hope on a mere man for he is liable to change, to sin and to become wayward. He is not consistently faithful. The enemy seeks to turn my eyes, and later my thoughts, and later my heart away from the Lord. He will use all petty means to achieve this, as well as artful schemes. He will not quit until I trip.

But I know my God; He will not let me go easily for He paid a high price for me. In fact, He will not let me go too far before He will come out and seek me. While we are slowly moving back to obedience, He will run to meet us like the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son.

2 things give me great encouragement:

-Where does the strength to obey come from?
-Where did my desire to walk right with Him and break out of the momentum of sin come from?

Surely the flesh will not curtail the amount of pleasure it hungers for. Can the flesh make itself respectable and sustain false holiness? Yes, but not for long.

Increase Your Confidence in the Lord! 

Who is this strong and mighty God we serve and follow?
Will the Lord fail to protect and provide for those who are His?

I am to be greatly and greatly purified; God is greatly and greatly to be praised.
Where I trust in my God and King, who is a very powerful God and King, I may have joy and peace.
He is a God who makes straight our paths.

To believers and unbelievers alike,

This is a very Song Leng-centred post.

However, God's love for me is not exclusive, it is already given to you. His fixation and His concern for you is not affected by your condition. He was willing to love you at such great cost to Himself. The blessings of His love can be known and lived out. 

If you live apart at a distance from Him and refuse to come into His love, you are missing out. While you remain away from Him, He is still loving you at this very moment, for He is your Father, and even if a mother forgets the child she bore, He will never forget you. Isaiah 49: 15

May all come to know the love of Christ, before they deny Him entry into our lives.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Waiting for Deployment.

The Lord reserves good things for people, I am sure of it. Where there are curses for disobedience there are blessings for obedience.

Therefore we must partner with Him, keeping ourselves in holiness and purity, our bodies, hearts, minds, and Spirit reserved for Him. 

Over breakfast, these things came to mind, while I considered how God was working in and on my life these days. Whatever happens to me is meant to build me up in faith. We are to be the living stones in God's house in time to come.

So these were the things that I thought of:

1. What may challenge/ oppose me (my faith) in this 4+4 years? 
How may I meet them?

2. What may break or hurt my heart in this period? Death, family tragedy or crisis- 
How then will I relate to Him if these happen?

3. How may I be lured away from Him to other relationships, interests or desires? 

These 4+4 years will build me in faith for His purposes. Then I can be fully His, being fully deployable by Him, not owing anything to any human authority.

I am convinced that I belong to Him, so this will have bearing on the way I will live. While I know He will seek me out if I falter, it is better to obey now then to be restored years later, and to realize that I failed to obey.

I cannot stain my feet by wandering out in the ways of the unbelieving world and stalling the cleansing that Christ has said He will do for us. Unless He washes us, we will have no part with Him. John 13:8.

It will be necessary to ask ourselves these questions, so we may be prepared to stand stronger and closer in Christ. We are of the generation who may be giants in faith.

I wait as He trains me in manliness, in righteousness, in holiness, so that I may be equipped for the mission that He has assigned to me. And I will not go out alone to do His work. He will be with me.

This is a private reflection that hopefully will strengthen the faith of my brothers and sisters who also call Him Lord and God. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

For the Young Man at School

As usual, I write to edify those who are in the faith, but a huge amount of boasting in my goodness, which is not inherent, takes place. If I censor them, then I am not genuine. 

It is very different to have come from the army into university, where I am not only having to deal with young men, but now also young women. It is more complicated and they need more love, tenderness and sensitivity.

With my soldiers, I could be rough, I could be gruff and I could prick their egos and consciences. I could challenge them, and I could make them feel a degree of shame. The objective was to build them up, deflate their ego, increase their self-worth and encourage them to be properly manly.

I remember how they got themselves into situations they were not equipped to deal with. Those were situations I were not equipped to deal with also.

I remember when one of them came up and asked for permission to leave camp, because his pregnant girlfriend was having an abortion. I remember those with family problems and those with drug problems. I remember those who got in trouble with the law.

But I also remember how some of them became more than what they started out as, having learnt obedience, submission and respect for authority. I am always thrilled when they call out to me. It feels good to know that I have done some good with them.

Dealing with young men is a good gift I thought I have; which is why I had put myself on course for more service in the force, to see what other good may I do with the young men of the next few generations.


But now, in school, I need to be cautious in a wholly different way. What is the safety distance? What are the steps to take? What can be done, and what may not be done with a girl?

As a non-believer or as one still under the perfecting work of the Spirit, I sought to obtain the approval and adoration of others, and of those of the opposite gender. I behaved in a showy way, and tried to appeal to the flesh, with my nice outward personality. I still do.

There needs to be much more depth to us than what we seem.

Now that I have more female friends, it was time to revisit an old sermon by Paul Washer.

I have shared this with some, but I wonder if they would come to see the richness of this teaching, which Paul Washer gave to Christian young men.

Do we know how to treat a girl with the love of Christ, or bruise her with our insensitivities and our weakness?

We are relating with human beings who love and who hurt, who laugh and who cry.

We young men do not know how to treasure the precious daughter of the Lord, and now I am brought to a realization that I need to accelerate my preparation, in such a setting.

With God's Spirit, I realize a lot of things these days.

I had always thought I was adequate and all set for the next phase, but these months, I have been humbled.

Who and what kind of a person I am looking for to jointly raise and teach children, and to train them in the ways of our Lord? Am I the dependable man who may protect and provide for his family?

And while I withdraw into Him so that I may be taught by His Spirit, there is a worry that I will miss my opportunity. But Paul Washer commented that, "If God is sovereign, you will not miss your opportunity."

Anything I give over to the Lord, I have not lost. If I submit my desires and my person to His hands, I will be moulded by Him.

My mind and eyes cannot yet see the goodness of the Lord's plan. So I wait on Him. What do I know, compared with my God?

In short,

This is a cautionary tale for all that while I remain in the flesh, and have not been perfected, I am weak, fallible. My track record shows a tendency towards sin. Especially if sensuality is involved.

But I have hope of perfection, of love and of grace. Where I continue to walk with Him, I will shed the old self and become the new Man of whom Christ Jesus was the first.
I write to show off, and my writing reveals a part of my thought life and gives allowances for nosy critics to rummage through. So they get to lament at how clever I am, or trample on my points.
I must get this declaration out of the way.

Paradise Lost

There was tension in my heart during today's lecture with "Paradise Lost" where the professor approached in from a non-believer's perspective. While he demonstrated good knowledge of the faith, and even had read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, he had missed out on the richness of the Gospel because he had come at it from Christ-less point of view.

Were I afraid that there would be anything that would undo my faith? My faith is not so shallow that it can be prised from me by smart-speak of human knowledge.

The mistake made was to bring down God's standards level with our own, and give room for Satan's reasoning. Even in fiction, the character of the Biblical adversary is treacherous and he is the father of lies. In him there is no goodness and he is not trust-worthy in anyway.

But I am to speak as the Spirit leads me, so I would only speak forth if prompted.
My feel was that everyone was missing out on the love and grace of Christ.
When it was said that all were evil and ungodly, several classmates laughed.

We as human beings still remain convinced that we are inherently good, despite history showing that we are a self-destructive people capable of great cruelties and atrocities.

Satan performs the ageless character assassination of God, and we have learnt to do the same.
Satan's beauty and attractiveness however is only a problem for men, who trust in the visual, the seen.

Battle for Custody

It was said that we were caught in the middle in the conflict between God and Satan. We are 'innocent' in this celestial battle for custody.

It could not be farther from the truth. We have aligned ourselves with Satan, and resisted God and His laws and decrees. We do not want His governance, His justice or His sovereignty. Instead, we want to become equal and reason with Him. We believe that we may be able to stand in His presence, justified by our goodness.

However, our darkness will be brought into the bright Light, and all the secret things of our hearts will be laid bare before Him, who is the standard of Righteousness and Goodness. To Him, we must give full account of our activities. Even Satan has to give an account of all his deeds before God. Job 1:6

Our deeds, thoughts and words will be examined for their motivation, content and effect.
Do we not seek to harm others to promote self, do we not disobey?
Do we not enjoy lawlessness with no one to rein us in?
Do we not hate discipline and good honest hard work?
Do we not ill-treat our fellow men?

We are following in the steps of the enemy who has set himself in opposition to God. He is God's enemy and those who have not been saved are still in his camp.

Q: Can God spare us?
A: Not if He is Just. There is a heavy cost for sin.

But they would begin to reason that God loves us, so he would tend to have mercy and forgive us.

But wait.

Are you saying God's love is unjust? That is not the case.

But we are told, why and how God worked to redeem us.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

Where May We Have Footing

A "Christian" with no root in the Word and no Spirit woud be flushed away by the theodicies and the human arguments.

I was worried that one who was weak in faith may be shaken by the irreverent questions of men.
If we believe in the supremacy of men rather than the supremacy of God, we will never come around to the truth.

Pray for the ground, which is the heart of the unbelievers. That the heart (soil) will be primed by God's Spirit to be ready to take the seed of God's Word and have it grow into a strong, huge tree of faith that is close by the water.

Psalms 1

 1 Blessed is the one
   who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
   or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD,
   and who meditates on his law day and night.
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
   which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
   whatever they do prospers.

Are We Close-minded?

Dong Lin said that we may have been closed off to other viewpoints, while we stand in our Christianity.
I told him that openness is not a good thing. In the circumstances where moral deterioration is expressed with and using greater freedoms, this openness would be just an openness to sin.
Do not mistake my openness for an openness for immorality. I am open to people.

God's people must keep themselves clean and preserve, reserve themselves, in body, heart, mind, soul and in Spirit for the Bridegroom who is on His way to meet with His Bride.
This Bridegroom is trustworthy, dependable and will fulfill what He has said.
We base our confidence on His love, His character, His spoken Words and promises and His Work completed on the tree.

Pray and Trust
There are so many forces and factors that oppose our faith. We may not fully be able to withstand attacks by men and by the powers of darkness. Like Terence shared, the older you get, the more sense that there is very little you may do by yourself. What we can mostly do is pray.
God has put a hedge around us and our property.

Who may try to damage God's possessions without His permission?

There is a dire need to set aside time each day to spend seeking and finding God, in prayer, finding rest and comfort and renewal in His Word and Spirit. If we do this, we will move in the power of His Spirit.
True Story.

I am overcome by pride most times. Does knowing God longer translates to knowing God better?
Am I always the one whom God has revealed all His secret things to?
It is very clear that this is not the case.

May God work in all our hearts, and prepare us to dwell with and in Him, now and later, forever and ever. Amen.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

May I be enticed to to love anew the vain pleasures of the old life that is in the muddy pit, and re-stain my feet and body that my Lord and Saviour has cleansed with His blood?

The sensible answer is no. But once I lose sight of Him who I am to love and serve, I may be carried away (tied up even) by the desires and impulses I have not guarded myself against. I give in to petty sins that lead me away and away from His discipline, His Spirit and His protection.

How long and how far may I run from His Presence and live apart from Him?
I realize that it is not too long, for I have been branded by Him and I am His possession entirely. He would not abandon me to myself and let me remain where I am.
He will seek me out and chasten me and restore me.

And hope glimmers again in my dark heart, the one that I have darkened myself by withdrawing from the Light of the World. He is the One I am to remain in and with forever.

Though I may be weary and discouraged, the LORD is my LORD, and I will praise His Name and sing of His faithfulness.

He has loved me with an everlasting love.

To whom shall we go, Lord? We believe that You have the words of eternal life.