Saturday, March 3, 2012

Friday, 2 March

I cannot coast on and wrongly assume that I am on the right course at all times. If I grow distant from my firm ground, I will veer into dangerous territory.

I have been made alive by Christ; I must live in Christ. I cannot pretend I knoweth not my Saviour and then turn back to sin. I also cannot pretend I have no way of knowing God and discerning His will. I have His Word.

I am to be a wholely new creature, with new appetites and new desires. I cannot feed on the same vain things that do not honour God but encourage sensuality and faithlessness.

Jesus is the Bread of Life. For awhile we eat of the land, taking physical food. However we who are alive in the Spirit need to feed our Spirit. We live "not by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God". (Matthew 4:4) The Word of the Lord brings us life.  Outwardly we are decaying, but inwardly we are being renewed daily. (2 Corinthians 4:16)

Our renewal of this inward (spirit) life comes from partaking in Christ. We must drink His blood and eat His flesh. His body broken for us; His life poured out for us - so that we who were far off, separated by our sinfulness may be brought nigh by His blood. (1 Corinthians 11:24-25; Ephesians 2:13)

If I do not live my faith, how will I die for my faith?

Our faith is not one of convenience. When it is easy to obey and go His way, I do. Where it is difficult to, I may or may not have the strength and discipline to go the way in line with His will and righteousness.

I do not have a good heart attitude when I relate with people, in work and ordinary circumstances. I am grudging, unwilling, and only invest my heart minimally in them, whereas Christ poured Himself out for us.

We are to observe all things that Christ has commanded us; not some and not just a few. (Matthew 28:20)  Our motivation to do so should be that we love Him, we treasure His words, we believe and trust Him; His Divinity, His character, His promises. We are not compelled, but propelled by love to live the new life in the Spirit He has given to us.

I have moved into what Tozer says is the "noble language" of the King James Version. I am an admirer of him and other wise and godly men who defer to the King James. While I am young and my biological RAM can input new verses, and also for FBI, I will go this way. It also does not hurt when an exceedingly lovely and precious lady has gifted me a leather Bible.

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