I blame a lack of stimulus and a drought in eloquence. That is not to say that there isn't anything interesting going on. I do in-fact have things to expel out of my cluttered brain which is like a 24-hour high-tech facility. The numerous processes that span my grey and white matter are astounding and I suspect the world sees only a lighter shade of my brilliance.
You should probably be used to my self-awareness by now.
I would like to share about how I woke up in the midst of a violent dream involving me and a particular individual whom I do not like and enrolled into Karate training for the wrong reasons. He is part of a gang and has a superiority complex which unlike mine, is based on nothing but invisible air.
I cannot express how I despise gangsters who spend their time in this way, beating up people and behaving like they are the big sharks in a small pond.
I've long wanted to admonish these fools who while their youth in such a fashion. I have more to say about their folly.
I do not really enjoy roughing up people outside of training because the human body is frail even if it is resilient. And it can both sustain and inflict grievous hurt.
I would like to sell my training methods, which have culminated in larger biceps and other assorted muscles since I've started on my workout.
I would like to say that the relations between people should not be fully bridged unless you're sure that that person will live his or her life for a long time with you. Persons who deserve inclusions should be your spouse and your sibling. I remember Shez saying that sibling rivalry is intriguing because you don't have to apologise to each other after a quarrel.
'People are bastard-coated bastards with bastard fillings'-Dr. Cox in Scrubs.
I would like to express how much disbelief I have in human relationships and maybe plant subtle hints among my text to point towards what prompted me to speak about this.
I would like to tell the world to lay off Liu Xiang and lament that although he is still good, he is not great. The 110 metres hurdles aren't easy and that the Chinese people expect too much of a man who is not divinity but fallible and frail at times.
I would like to say that Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt are Champions, not in the Olympic sense, but in the 'best of the human race' sense. They are the prime specimens of what the peak human body can achieve and for this I revere them.

Phelps is amazing, but we must not forget John Lezak (top left), who aided him enormously in amassing two of his eight Golds.

Usain Bolt-I watched him run, and I'm convinced that he is the fastest man on earth. He broke the World Record he himself set in Athens four years ago easily.
I would also like to say that my all-seeing eye has also caught sight of the graceful gymnasts and I've been in love about 8 times.

Alicia Sacramone is my new heartthrob. Even if you take a liking to her, your fancies of her must stop right now, or I will slay you. Even if she didn't perform like we thought she would, she is still fantastic.
I'm a bit surprised that in wanting to say all the above and thinking that I was not to write on, I actually finished.