Sunday, January 13, 2008

It might be overkill to start posting again on this 'topic' so soon.
But this 'topic' is actually probably one of the most important stuff that we should really be concerned about, other than keeping up with the rest of the world in living carefreely.
I'm motivated to write all these, but I have to exercise caution and not get carried away.

I was hit with James 3 when I opened the Bible yesterday, which read, "Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly".
This was a warning from James to all the church teachers, and also to senior Christians, if there is such a thing; warning them of the heavy responsibility of teaching and guiding the Lord's sheep. James is in a sense, discouraging people from becoming teachers too easily.
It was also a warning to me, not to get carried away in the role I have taken up as a radical.

I have decided to focus on James 3 for a while, because the lessons inside are relevant to me now.
And I've also found precious directions from the verses inside, and I think I want to highlight several things being said by James, as intepreted by me from the Bible.

Before I talk more, please do not mistaken me to be a mature and sensible, or even a real Christian. A Christian should be someone who is a follower of Christ. The apostles were probably Christians. But I have not been following Christ's instructions and directions in the way I should live my life. I would just call myself a believer of Christ.
I'm struggling to be worthy and also to 'walk like Christ did'. My goal is to be a believer IN Christ. There is a difference.

Believing that there was person such as Jesus Christ is not sufficient. The Jews and Muslims believe that there was such a Man. But they do not think He is the Son of God, or the One. Other peoples believe He was simply a wise man.

Acknowledging Jesus then, to be God as step 2 is also not enough. You will then merely believe His identity, but you will not be believing in him.
Believing in Jesus, is trusting and also putting our faith in Him. And the amount of trust that most of us Christians have in Him is pathetic.

Previously I mentioned that most of us hate God. But as Christians, we are to be unworldly and not be like the rest of the world in the way we live, act and think. James rebukes us-'You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred towards God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God?' (James 4:4)
This is something to think about.

But I want to steer us back to the verses that leapt up at me in James:

1: 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverence.

1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt.

1: 22 Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

There are more, but maybe you'd like to read James yourself and let the words that are relevant 'leap up at you'. It's a short book that feels just right.
Whatever directions that the Word gives, do not expect it to be easy.
Jesus said to those who desired to follow Him-'take up your cross and follow Me'.
The Christian life is not easy to live out.

What does it then, to mean to be a Christian?
Jesus said that we would suffer persecution, as a result of Him. We are to be separate from the world and in doing so, the world will hate us as they had hated Him.

What would it cost you to be a Christian?

Everything. Your life the way you know it, your possessions, your loved ones and your health and your freedom. What happened to the early Christians? Most of the apostles were crucified. Many Christians became matyrs. Even today, people are dying because of their beliefs. Even though we live in Singapore, the impending persecution that Jesus promises us will still reach us.

People mistaken Christianity as a simple religion where we are cleansed and made better and also improved on; a conversion to Christianity would be like a sorta carwash. You come out a cleaner and more wholesome and likeable individual. People are drawn to Christianity, because it promises comfort and peace. Is it so?

No! Being a Christian is taking up the cross and following after Jesus, even at the cost of our lives and everything. That's what it's all about. Christians aren't happy people that are always nice neighbours and sweet friends that don't get angry and sing songs!

If you are a 'Christian' because you like the friends at Church, you like the way they make you feel valued and the nice music that they play, and the encouraging things that the preacher says to you all the time, then are you sure you are a Christian? Or have you just joined a mega socializing club?

Upsetting people I think, is now a reflex for me? I think some of you aren't that smiley now.
If being a Christian would mean so much hard stuff, then why are there so many Christians? Or do they not know of the persecution that Jesus said would befall His followers? So, did you know of all this 'sh*t' that you would have to endure as a believer in Christ? Or nobody said it?

We are being built up to endure our suffering for our Lord. James devoted a small bit to address the Christians in having Patience in Suffering. He said, "be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near".
I think that even though Christians are promised rewards, the preachers that call people up to the altar to 'receive Christ' have conveniently left out the hard work that we have to do to earn our reward.

That is why I'm not a big fan of trying to 'save' people. I was gyming with Kah Kee yesterday, and I really relish the time that I spend sharing and training with him. We always need a companion, as the Word says, "As Iron Sharpens Iron, So One Man Sharpens Another." (Proverbs 27:17). Really appreciate his company with me, and also his compliance in following my routines and being my spotter.

We were talking about God and all after we had eaten, and he was asking me how do I know that there is really God. I mean. 4 years of experiencing the BB ministry hasn't taught him or anyone else much about God and all! I don't intend to force him into the Christian 'thing' as most would call it. It's not a whim to become a Christian.
It means more than a moment of wanting to be happier or better, or because the senior that values you pressures you to grudgingly believe.
Even if he does, you have not conquered that person for your God.

So, we were also amused by the movie, Men in Black's suggestion that the Earth and galaxies are actually very small and we are part of another bigger space, and part of another bigger orb, and there would be bigger life forms that loom over us.
So, he first challenged, how can we prove there is a God?
My response was that, how can we prove that there isn't a God?

All of the things on this earth are made up of smaller, indivisible atoms and molecules that bond together to form a bigger object or structure. Humans are made up of atoms. The table we use is made up of atoms. The chopsticks we use and the computer you're staring at is made up of atoms. And since we're all made up of atoms, what makes us humans so distinctly different and unique, apart from all these other lumps of atoms?
There must be bit of spark in us that makes us special? Isn't there?

It is not a strong argument, and it invites further question. But the thing is, the above hints in the presence of a higher power.
Who do we think is that higher power?

My knowledge is very limited, which Crystal pointed out to me. It's not something that I like very much to confess, but it is true. I hope that I have not misled people, and I have only been succint in pointing out the problems with Christianity and 'Christians' today.
And I do pray that my conduct everyday would not insult God, but instead honour and glorify him. To live apart from the world.


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