Just realised that my circle of effect is really small. And that my world has shrunk especially after I've gone up to JC. The links at the side of the page show in especial. But I'm not sad or affected by any of it, but merely thoughtful. In fact, I'm bothered by the fact that I've to say 'hi' or be polite to every single person that I've ever known or briefly encountered. The average person knows 200 people by name. Am I to call out 200 people(maybe a small bit lesser) out everytime I pass anyone?
That's crazy.
So if I don't go up to you, bow, curtsie, kiss your hand, or lay prostrate in reverence, do pardon me.
The above was probably an inspiration from a few peoples' extensive links. Goodness.
That aside, I'll talk about the week. Ever since I've gone up to JC, hardly a week goes by that I'm not bogged down by, homework, tests, stress, compulsory events, and spontaneous and unannounced and compulsory events, or it would be ALL OF THE ABOVE. Honestly. Give this poor man a break. He doesn't exactly deserve it, but yeah, every nice guy should get his kit kat once in a while. This week, there have been so many stuff going on: TKD training in anticipation of the competition, Mothers' day, SPA, Test, Tutorials... and I thought the break from BB parades was actually the herald for a line of long, useful weekends where I could sleep more and work more, instead of heading home after 4 hours in the stupid asphalt grounds that used to be my school 7 months ago.
This weekend, my family has a Mother's Day celebration at Changi Village, the ritual hangout that has been my family's home lodge since 19??. My grandfathers worked there, and my father and uncles grew up in that place, swinging up and down the 3 storey buildings that lined the road. I remember my youngest uncle swinging off the ledge from the second storey, disappearing over the parapet. He swung up later to astound us. When I grew taller later, I realised that there was a convenient concrete foothold that he was hiding on when he climbed out...
It's nice to go back there as a semi-adult, but now that all of us, cousins have grown up, we've gone different ways. No longer do we look forward to go back to play games that we loved when we were kids. We just went to there-our grandmother's house-to go there. THE END. Growing up really makes a lot of change, change.
It coincides, unfortunately, with Tessa's farewell. Sadly, won't be going, though people did sms me to get me to go. I want to, actually, and I would have gone if there wasn't competition tomorrow. Cherrie will be there, I think, and this alone makes me want to ditch everything and fly there. But can't. Was actually thinking of calling her last night, but the combination of a week's TKD training, Wednesday's gym with cousin Gabriel killed me on Friday.
I don't check my phone now as much as I used to, and only realised she had messaged me this morning...Was imagining how would we see each other again. Bedok Swimming Complex was in one of those bubbles of thought. LLS (laugh like siao). Childish maybe.
Told Boon to send my regards though.
Gabriel is really solid. His regime was so extreme, I'm hurting even now, and I can't straighten my arms now. Each part of my body siphons of the pain slowly everyday. But today, my forearms still hurt shit-load. Damn. But I'm growing, that's a call for joy. There's one passage in April's issue of Men's Health that said "following exercise, an enzyme called cyclooxygenase produces molecules that helps muscles grow larger. These same molecules cause pain and soreness" No pain, no gain. Proven (QED).
Life is full of misfortune. If you're looking for them to pass, you'll actually be just laying in wait for more to descend from above.
Nobody said life was easy.
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