Thursday, December 1, 2011

On the Cusp of Soldierhood Again

I am on the other side of time, looking back on the past November and it is clearer that God is good and closely present in all parts of my life.

I am returning back to service, and comparing with when I was leaving, I'm returning to the army so much better off! I did not imagine that I would return with someone special in my heart and that I would do so much better in His grace.

Ikea Wednesday was a simple and sweet outing, and it was unexpected that I actually ended up doing the bulk of the buying. Things that were good and cheap could not be let off! Wednesday was a good food day, and I managed to eat a great deal. There were so much good food that had to be savoured, and at her place, we were blessed with a steamboat dinner. It was time well spent, and with a very excellent group of people, and of course, a single delightful person.

Meeting her parents was not easy, but very important. We are not in a secret relationship, and we need to be accountable to those that love us. It was necessary for me to meet with her father and share with him my faith and my life. It is good to be in a proper, official relationship where her parents are involved and they approve. I am not to enter into a close relationship with someone's daughter without letting him know. But now, we have their parents praying for us, and looking out for us. This is a good and safe way to go.

I think He brought us together certainly not only for our individual joy and pleasures. We are to grow in love and faith, and edify others. We are members of the body of Christ, and we are not the only members.

We are to come together and honour God, and we should seek that God will continue to confirm that this is His will that we join together not casually, but with stronger and stronger commitment to each other. There is a need to be careful, because we see that it can be exceedingly good if we obey Him.

There is timely goodness in store for both of us.

After the exams, a man needs to take a good look at himself. We must be capable of reflection and self-examination. Paying attention and writing notes helped seal the lessons into memory, and revisiting them helped build more onto the roots for recall.

I must not squander free periods, recess week and the weekends. There are a few good work habits that must be cultivated. Books not read, lessons placed aside and hasty revision instead of gradual increment of knowledge were the methods I resorted do this time. They likely will not reap good rewards. Thankfully the small measure of consistent class-attending helped. I will still be able to keep the head above the water.

I understood that Pride coerces me to act hastily, in a showy kind of way. At my last paper, I finished quickly and was able to astound others by leaving the exam venue with a swagger. Modern contemporaries call it 'like a boss'. While I was pleased that I did well, it was illuminating to understand more of my own proud person, and how it is so deeply a part of me - I must do well, and I must have others see. 

We need to grow in our relationship with our Father. I am not just a child asking my Father for gifts on His lap; I am to grow into a son and a man who obeys His Father and pleases Him.

In praying: If I had not spoken to Him regularly, it will be awkward for me to address Him, to find the words to say to Him.

There is a lack of effective Christian men in the church. What does God do when this happens?
He raises men up. Hopefully, we are counted among those He is calling and preparing for His use.

In all, this year and semester has been truly and thoroughly blessed, in ways I did not expect. I do not see what is ahead, but if I follow Him, I have security. Even if life lived is hard and unpleasant.

I belong to Christ, I am to be more and more His. God's grace given to us has us live and respond differently, passionately and reverentially to Him. We must not resist Him in any way.

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