Saturday, August 6, 2011

Summing Up and Crossing Over

It is always about the people, the people.

Why I blog - I blog to remember. The things I wrote about from 2007-2009, I remember with accuracy, and in order to try and seize hold of the good things and moments we cannot remain in, I must have a record.

I have closed one chapter of my life, which I did not want to, having spent more than a year on Pulau Tekong, first as a new recruit, and later an Officer, and eventually a Company Commander.
Now I have crossed over into the next phase as an Army Student.

Why I signed on - I like the Army. I feel that what we do is purposeful, fierce and fun. Although administration is dull and I'm not that enthused about it, I have had so good an NS experience and I want more of it, with more new and excellent people.

Leaving Tekong was saddening for me, where I had to say goodbye to a string of people whom I would never know and work in the same intimate manner where we got angry, busy and rejoiced together. I always feel the tears when this happens.

The b/m is an effort to capture the sweetness of the relationships and the closeness of the bonds wrought under the compression of time, stress and unfriendly work demands.
It is also a collection of some of the best people I know.

I spoke with Daniel (Lim) last night, while waiting for the laundry, and it was very heartening for me, where an elder Christian brother spoke to me about this, out of his concern. He thought that it was necessary to speak to me, seeing that my combination of an Army Career and an English Major was uncommon. It is rather rare and non-economical.

But I confided in him, which I had only to few others that I could count with my fingers, that I was more keen on becoming a Bible scholar. As for now, while I am young and fit, I want to become a commander and work with all sorts of men.

For now, I remain a Soldier.

Having gone through orientation, interacting with people and receiving unique treatment, has led me to reflect and look closely at what is the content of my heart and soul. Wild fun, with no end is not my beverage. I feel that having served as the way I did, I'm too grown up for the irresponsible humour that many students subscribe to.

While I was 21, I had taken the role of someone close to 30. It has accelerated my aging and the preoccupations of my mind. I have been caretaker, counselor and parent. How may I put aside the wisdom and sense I learnt.
May a member of the body of Christ behave in a non-decent manner? Can he/she participate in activities that allure the flesh and the desire?

Therefore, it was good that I met Glen from Orion here in BLK 7 in the Hall. Christian brothers stand together. May the LORD's hand be ever on us, as we live in obedience and reverence of Him, even in an environment that buffets us in every way. We are cornered, but not overcome.

I share this post to show my appreciation and open my mind to the people I love and have served with. You are so precious to me, I will bring a piece of all of you with me, from now on wherever I go. I deeply appreciate your support, your effort and your following me, where I have led you. You are the best.