Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2010 in Review

If I were to theme this year, it would be the year I became an Officer and my adventures as an one.

I've learnt so many things, tangible and intangible-management, leadership styles, soft skills and parenting most of all.

I've realized that the groups of people that the education system of our competitive community neglect are the ones we must pay attention to; these are the people we must inspire and correct. They will form the most of our work force and they are the numbers that make the most difference.

I also realize that we can never assume that we've assimilated any lessons/knowledge.
We must reinforce whatever we've acquired, or they will fall away from our persons.
Our retention is poor, and the fresh new external stimuli overpowers aged memories.

Whatever you do not upkeep, you lose.
Your faith, your fitness, your sanity. Personal Experience.

Your superiors never want to hear about your limitations. They want a problem-less tour and an everlasting can-do attitude. So, I will just tell them to stop pretending like they actually care about my constraints.

Self-help is the new way forward. Not mutual support, not reinforcement from another sector.

(to be continued)