Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I'm slightly angry now.
Due to silly Derek, we sat through the unnecessary usher briefing in the Lecture Theatre, and had to contend with several lesser minds, also grow hungry, while my limited time to do work was eaten away by the irrelevance of the meeting.

Afterward, my wait was extended by another silly person who was rarely on the ball at most times. I dread coming into contact with this individual.
Then Derek, while trying to get back at me for 'being a bastard' to him most of the day made me walk with him to his bus stop because the bus hadn't arrived yet. I missed 2 buses as a result.
It was funny, but it made the hunger in my system more long-drawn and delayed my getting home and refilling my tank.

I could be petty, but one thing you gotta understand about snobbish Song Leng, is that he hates two things. Take your time to process the above.
Song Leng hates dealing out with people he deems as lesser minds, because it will be detrimental to his mental health and sanity. The brain pool would be tainted by their blumbering stupidity.
BB and other avenues where I've stayed for short stints have harmed the sanctity of my brain quite enough for a lifetime.

I ardently hope that such instances of cooperation will be scarce and brief.
Like Xian Zheng wisely said, "Never argue with a fool-they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
The Fool's Law.

The second thing Song Leng absolutely detests is going hungry. Hunger is a lousy feeling. Your stomach churns and feels like there are fumes about inside and you become incoherent, insensible and less functional. The important biological processes in your body go into Red Alert and start signaling your body to shut down all other businesses like building muscle and supplying your brain and muscle with nutrients.
You're less alert, more docile and weaker.
The precious muscle you can gain is given up in favour of responding to your immediate hunger crisis.

There isn't any insulin (that is secreted to handle the surge in food after a meal) and this results in an inhibition of absorbing amino acids into cells, more breakdown of protein which is what you do not want if you're looking to gain hard-earned muscle. This is why I severely hate getting hungry.

The thing most essential to a workout plan is eating right, and with the inconveniences of modern living, with an unpleasant time schedule that is not within our control, and also the diminished value in food because of the numerous processing steps in manufacturing, it is a difficult thing to do.

You can eat right and not workout as much and still be in pretty good shape.
Your body is a machine and it runs best on good food, i.e. good nutritious food, not half-assed nonsense like fastfood or soft drinks. So I try my best to keep myself sated and not ruin the metabolic processes that are in favour of building good muscle through insulin-motivated protein synthesis. That is why I eat so frequently.
So don't ruin my eating plans, or I will bite you.

Those people who eat whatever they want and still workout are probably people who have substantial muscle but are still in essential, fat. Those people who aren't are blessed with a divine metabolism and I'm really envious. But we can't see the processes going on inside their bodies and they might one day suffer a heart attack or what because they're not feeding their bodies right.

I want to defend the use of supplements in the form of protein shakes, because I find them beneficial and convenient. They're not damaging to your kidneys contrary to old beliefs and what I used to think; salt is the one that is killing off your kidneys. Protein shakes is milk powder enriched with nutrients and amino acids which improves muscle recovery and is a quick meal when you don't have time. If they weren't so pricey, I'd buy it and stockpile it.
Otherwise, I have to contend with good meals.
So pardon me if I'm not that pleasant.

My angry post has turned out to be mostly an article about the importance of healthy eating.

A hungry man is an angry one and I bit back at her when she tried to upset me just now. I'm already unhappy. So she just got more attitude out of me. I am proud.

To Derek: I want to throttle you. Glucaneogenesis is a hateful process that endangers your muscles. I will have my revenge on you tomorrow.

I am however grateful to the Lord who has arranged for me to avoid all of my calamities today and even though He has helped me fend off some of them, they will soon come to pass anyway. I am glad that I have the moral fibre not to dodge, but instead stay and sit through the unpleasant things. I'm sorry for being silly and non-amusing.

I've uncontrollably wasted time here expounding on my unhappiness. Blogging is an avenue for me to expel all the bad feel. I am sorry once again, if the material here in my site is not as enlightening as I promised.


N.B. Gluconeogenesis is a metabolic pathwaythat results in the generation of glucose from non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as pyruvate , lactate, glycerol, and glucogenic amino acids.

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