Tuesday, June 10, 2008

In a burst, I finished the whole of Season One (9 episodes) of Pushing Daisies because I lost restrain. But I'm not sorry, because it has fulfilled my gnawing need to finish all of it. I'm not very keen on taking small bites out of my hot steaming pie over some hours, but rather finish it all in one sitting, even if its a very long sitting.

Hence, I violated my pre-set limits of 3 episodes a day and sped it up to all 9 within 20 hours.

I have not a lengthy tirade here to satisfy my many viewers, where I'm still quite unsure as to who is really amused by a semi-eloquent, mildly delusional but definitely sexy writer. I would hazard at a guess that the last quality I said above is a major attraction, like the London Eye is, or Disneyland.

I have some observations, which cannot count as epiphanies, but remain humbly observations that I made.

Never engage with an angry person, they aren't ready to process sense.

And I have this question:

Does interactions between people require things like honesty and trustfulness or is measured tact enough for the relationship?

I saw this quote too: The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.

What else do I want to upchuck into this place?
Speaking of Chuck, I am very taken with Anna Friel, or rather, lonely tourist Charlotte Charles. Pushing Daisies viewers would know.


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